
हनुमान चालीसा

Singer: Arjita Bishnu Chowdhury

Doha: 1

श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज निज मन मुकुरू सुधारि।
बरनउँ रघुबर बिमल जसु जो दायकु फल चारि॥

Word Meanings

Shriguru charan saroj raj nij man mukuru sudhari,
Baranau Raghubar bimal jasu jo dayaku phal chari.


I have cleaned (sudhari) the mirror (mukuru) of my (nij) heart with the dust (raj) of my Guru’s lotus (saroj) feet (charan). I speak now of Lord Ram’s (Raghubar) pure (bimal) glory (jasu). He grants me four (chari) wishes (phal).

Doha: 2

बुद्धिहीन तनु जानिकै सुमिरौं पवनकुमार।
बल बुधि बिद्या देहु मोहिं हरहु कलेस बिकार॥

Buddhiheen tanu janikai sumiroun Pavankumar,
Bal buddhi bidya dehu mohin harhu kales bikar.

Word Meanings


O, son of the wind (Pavankumar) god, I, who am ignorant, (buddhiheen) remember (sumiroun) you. Please make me (mohin) strong (bal) and intelligent (buddhi). Give (dehu) me knowledge (bidya). Remove (harhu) all my grief (kales) and shortcomings (bikar).

Chaupaai # 1

जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुन सागर।
जय कपीस तिहुँ लोक उजागर॥

Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar, 
Jai kapees tihun lok ujagar.

Word Meanings


Victory (jai) to you, O Hanuman. You are an ocean (sagar) of knowledge (gyan) and virtue (gun). Victory to you, lord of monkeys (kapees). You brighten (ujagar) up all the three (tihun) worlds (lok)!

Chaupaai # 2

रामदूत अतुलित बल धामा।
अंजनिपुत्र पवनसुत नामा।।

Ram doot atulit bal dhama,
Anjaniputr Pavansut nama.

Word Meanings


You are the unique (atulit) and strong (bal) messenger (doot) of Lord Ram. You are also known (nama) as the son (Pavansut) of the wind god and the son of Anjani (Anjaniputr).

Chaupaai # 3

महाबीर बिक्रम बजरंगी।
कुमति निवार सुमति के संगी।।

Mahabeer bikram bajrangi,
Kumati nivar sumati ke sangi.

Word Meanings


You are a great hero (mahabeer). You are courageous (bikram) and your body is like a thunderbolt (bajrangi)! You help us get rid (nivar) of bad thoughts (kumati). And good thoughts (sumati) are your friends!

Chaupaai # 4

कंचन बरन बिराज सुबेसा।
कानन कुंडल कुंचित केसा।।

Kanchan baran biraj Subesa,
Kanan kundal kunchit kesa.

Word Meanings


Your body is golden (kanchan) and shining (biraj). You are well (subesa)-dressed. You have earrings (kundal) in your ears (kanan) under your curly (kunchit) hair (kesa)!

Chaupaai # 5

हाथ बज्र औ ध्वजा बिराजै।
काँधे मूँज जनेऊ साजै।।

Hath bajr au dhvaja birajai,
Kandhe moonj janeoo sajai.

Word Meanings


You hold a mace (bajr) and flag (dhvaja) in your hands (hath). A sacred thread (janeoo) decorates (sajai) your shoulder (kandhe).

Chaupaai # 6

कंचन बरन बिराज सुबेसा।
कानन कुंडल कुंचित केसा।।

Kanchan baran biraj Subesa,
Kanan kundal kunchit kesa.

Word Meanings


You are the avatar (suvan) of Lord Shiva (Sankar). You are the son of Kesari (Kesarinandan). The whole (maha) universe (jag) praises (bandan) your majesty (tej) and glory (pratap).

Chaupaai # 7

विद्यावान गुनी अति चातुर।
राम काज करिबे को आतुर।।

Vidyavan gunee ati chatur,
Ram kaj karibe ko atur.

Word Meanings


You are learned (vidyavan), skilled (gunee) and very clever (chatur). And are so keen (atur) to do (karibe) Lord Ram’s work (kaj).

Chaupaai # 8

प्रभु चरित्र सुनिबे को रसिया।
राम लखन सीता मन बसिया।।

Prabhu charitr sunibe ko rasiya,
Ram Lakhan Sita man basiya.

Word Meanings


You love (rasiya) hearing (sunibe) Lord (prabhu) Ram’s story (charitr). Lord Ram, Lakshman (Lakhan) and sita live (basiya) in your heart (man)!

Chaupaai # 9

सूक्ष्म रूप धरि सियहिं दिखावा।
बिकट रूप धरि लंक जरावा।।

Sookshm roop dhari Siyahin dikhava,
Bikat roop dhari Lank jarava.

Word Meanings


You came to Sita (Siyahin) in a tiny (sookshm) form (roop). Then you took (dhari) a big (bikat) form and burnt (jarava) Lanka!

Chaupaai # 10

भीम रूप धरि असुर सँहारे।
रामचंद्र के काज सँवारे।।

Bheem roop dhari asur sanhare,
Ramchandr ke kaj sanvare.

Word Meanings


You took (dhari) a humungous (bheem) form (roop) and killed (sanhare) the demons (asur). You did the work (kaj) of Lord Ram (Ramchandr) so well (sanvare)!

Chaupaai # 11

लाय सजीवन लखन जियाये।
श्रीरघुबीर हरषि उर लाये।।

Laye Sajeevan Lakhan jiyaye,
Shreeraghubeer harashi ur laye.

Word Meanings


You got (laye) the herb Sanjeevani (Sajeevan) and revived (jiyaye) Lakshman (Lakhan)! Lord Ram (Shreeraghubeer) was delighted (harashi) and he hugged (ur laye) you.

Chaupaai # 12

रघुपति कीन्ही बहुत बड़ाई।
तुम मम प्रिय भरतहि सम भाई।।

Raghupati keenhee bahut badai,
Tum mam priy Bharathi sam bhai.

Word Meanings


Lord Ram (Raghupati) praised (badai) you so much (bahut)! He said, “You (tum) are a brother (bhai) to me (mam), just like (sam) dear (priy) Bharat.”

Chaupaai # 13

सहस बदन तुम्हरो जस गावैं।
अस कहि श्रीपति कंठ लगावै।।

Sahas badan tumhro jas gavain,
As kahi Shreepati kanth lagavain.

Word Meanings


“ Thousands (sahas) will sing (gavain) of your (tumhro) glory (jas),” said Lord Ram (Shreepati). And he hugged (kanth lagavain) you.

Chaupaai # 14

सनकादिक ब्रह्मादि मुनीसा।
नारद सारद सहित अहीसा।।

Sankadik Brahmadi muneesa,
Narad Sarad sahit Aheesa.

Word Meanings


Lord Brahma (Brahmadi), Sage Sanak and other (Sankadik) sages (muneesa), Narad Goddess Saraswati (Sarad), along with (sahit) serpent Shesh (Aheesa).

Chaupaai # 15

जम कुबेर दिगपाल जहाँ ते।
कबि कोबिद कहि सके कहाँ ते॥

Jam Kuber digpal jahan te,
Kabi kobid kahi sake kahan te.

Word Meanings


Not even Yama (Jam), Kuber, the guardian gods (digpal), poets (kabi), or wise men (kobid) could describe (kahi sake) your glory well enough (kahan te).

Chaupaai # 16

तुम उपकार सुग्रीवहिं कीन्हा।
राम मिलाय राज पद दीन्हा।।

Tum upkar Sugreevhin keenha,
Ram milay raj pad deenha.

Word Meanings


You (tum) did a favour (upkar) to Sugreeva (Sugreevhin) by making him meet (milay) Lord Ram. He gave (deenha) Sugreeva the kingdom (raj pad) of Kishkindha.

Chaupaai # 17

तुम्हरो मंत्र बिभीषन माना।
लंकेस्वर भय सब जग जाना॥

Tumhro mantr Bibheeshan mana,
Lankeshvar bhaye sab jag jana.

Word Meanings


Vibheeshan (Bibheeshan) listened (mana) to your (tumhro) advice (mantr), O Hanuman. The whole (sab) world (jag) knows (jana) that he became (bhaye) the King of Lanka (Lankeshvar).

Chaupaai # 18

जुग सहस्र जोजन पर भानू।
लील्यो ताहि मधुर फल जानू।।

Jug sahastr jojan par bhanoo,
Leelyo tahi madhur phal janoo.

Word Meanings


You thought (janoo) that the Sun (bhanoo), which is 96 million miles (jug sahastr jojan) away, was a sweet (madhur) fruit (phal)! You flew to it (tahi) and tried to swallow (leelyo) it up!

Chaupaai # 19

प्रभु मुद्रिका मेलि मुख माहीं।
जलधि लाँघि गये अचरज नाहीं॥

Prabhu mudrika meli mukh maheen,
Jaladhi langhi gaye achraj naheen.

Word Meanings


You put (meli) Lord (Prabhu) Rama’s ring (mudrika) in (maheen) your mouth (mukh) and leapt (langhi) over the ocean (jaladhi)! It isn’t (naheen) surprising (achraj) at all!

Chaupaai # 20

दुर्गम काज जगत के जेते।
सुगम अनुग्रह तुम्हरे तेते।।

Durgam kaj jagat ke jete,
Sugam anugrah tumhre tete.

Word Meanings


Every difficult (durgam) work (kaj) in the world (jagat) becomes easy (sugam) by your (tumhre) Grace (anugrah).

Chaupaai # 21

राम दुआरे तुम रखवारे।
होत न आज्ञा बिनु पैसारे।।

Ram duare tum rakhvare,
Hote na agya binu paisare.

Word Meanings


You (tum) are the guardian (rakhvare) at Lord Ram’s door (duare). No one (hote na) dares to enter (paisare) without (binu) your permission (agya).

Chaupaai # 22

सब सुख लहै तुम्हारी सरना।
तुम रच्छक काहू को डरना।।

Sab sukh lahai tumharee sarna,
Tum rachchhak kahoo ko darna.

Word Meanings


In your refuge (sarna), all (Sab) live happily (sukh). When you (tum) are our guardian, (rachchhak) why (kahu) should we fear (darna)?

Chaupaai # 23

आपन तेज संहारो आपै।
तीनों लोक हाँक तें काँपै।।

Apan tej sanharo apai,
Teenon lok hank tein kanpai.

Word Meanings


Only you (apai) can destroy (sanharo) your own (apan) power (tej). All three (teenon) worlds (lok) tremble (kanpai) when you roar (hank)!

Chaupaai # 24

भूत पिसाच निकट नहिं आवै।
महाबीर जब नाम सुनावै।।

Bhoot pisach nikat nahin avai,
Mahabeer jab nam sunavai.

Word Meanings


Ghosts (bhoot) and demons (pisach) don’t (nahin) come (avai) close (nikat) when (jab) your name (nam) is called out (sunavai), O great hero (Mahabeer).

Chaupaai # 25

नासै रोग हरै सब पीरा।
जपत निरंतर हनुमत बीरा।।

Naasai rog harai sab peera,
Japat nirantar Hanumat beera.

Word Meanings


O brave (beera) Hanuman (Hanumat), when your name is chanted (japat) nonstop (nirantar), all (sab) suffering (peera) is removed (harai), all diseases (rog) are destroyed (nasai).

Chaupaai # 26

संकट तें हनुमान छुड़ावै।
मन क्रम बचन ध्यान जो लावै।।

Sankat te Hanuman chhudavai,
Man kram bachan dhyan jo lavai.

Word Meanings


You rescue (chhudavai) us from all troubles (sankat), O Hanuman, when we think (dhyan), act (kram) and speak (bachan) with you in our hearts (man).

Chaupaai # 27

सब पर राम तपस्वी राजा।
तिन के काज सकल तुम साजा॥

Sab par Ram tapasvee raja,
Tin ke kaj sakal tum saja.

Word Meanings


The sage (tapasvee) king (raja) Lord Ram is supreme (sub par). You (tum) took care (saja) of all (sakal) his (tin) task (kaj) so well!

Chaupaai # 28

और मनोरथ जो कोई लावै ।
सोई अमित जीवन फल पावै॥

Aur manorath jo koee lavai,
Soee amit jeevan phal pavai.

Word Meanings


People (jo koee) bring (lavai) their wishes (manorath) to you. They receive (pavai) the fruits (phal) of an abundant (amit) life (jeevan).

Chaupaai # 29

चारों जुग परताप तुम्हारा।
है परसिद्ध जगत उजियारा।।

Charon jug partap tumhara,
Hai parsiddh jagat ujiyara.

Word Meanings


Your (tumhara) heroism (partap) is famous in all the four (charon) ages (jug). It brightens (ujiyara) up the entire Universe (jagat).

Chaupaai # 30

साधु संत के तुम रखवारे।
असुर निकंदन राम दुलारे।।

Sadhu sant ke tum rakhvare,
Asur nikandan Ram dulare.

Word Meanings


You (tum) are the protector (rakhvare) of all the saints and sages (sadhu sant). You are the destroyer (nikandan) of demons (asur), O darling (dulare) of Lord Ram.

Chaupaai # 31

अष्ट सिद्धि नौ निधि के दाता।
अस बर दीन जानकी माता।।

Asht siddhi nau nidhi ke data,
As bar deen Jankee mata.

Word Meanings


Mother (mata) Sita (Jankee) blessed (bar) you to be able to gift (data) your eight (asht) powers (siddhi )and nine (nau) treasures (nidhi) to others.

Chaupaai # 32

राम रसायन तुम्हरे पासा।
सदा रहो रघुपति के दासा।।

Ram rasayan tumhre pasa,
Sada raho Raghupati ke dasa.

Word Meanings


You have (pasa) the sweet potion (rasayan) called Ram with you (tumhre). May you always (sada) remain (raho) in the service (dasa) of Lord Ram (Raghupati).

Chaupaai # 33

तुम्हरे भजन राम को पावै।
जनम जनम के दुख बिसरावै।।

Tumhre bhajan Ram ko pavai,
Janam janam ke dukh bisravai.

Word Meanings


By singing your (tumhre) praises (bhajan) we reach (pavai) Lord Ram. This way, we can get rid (bisravai) of the suffering (dukh) of our many lives (janam janam).

Chaupaai # 34

अंत काल रघुबर पुर जाई।
जहाँ जन्म हरिभक्त कहाई।।

Ant kal Raghubar pur jaee,
Jahan janm haribhakt kahaee.

Word Meanings


At the end (ant) of our life (kal), we will reach (jaee) the abode of Lord Ram (Raghubar pur). We will be reborn (janm) and known (kahaee) as His devotees (haribhakt).

Chaupaai # 35

और देवता चित्त न धरई।
हनुमत सेई सर्ब सुख करई।।

Aur devta chitt na dharaee,
Hanumat s­e-ee sarb sukh karaee.

Word Meanings


We don’t need to pray to any other (aur) gods (devta)! Hanuman fulfils (karaee) all (sarb) our joys (sukh).

Chaupaai # 36

संकट कटै मिटै सब पीरा।
जो सुमिरै हनुमत बलबीरा।।

Sankat katai mitai sab peera,
Jo sumirai Hanumat balbeera.

Word Meanings


When we remember (sumirai) strong and heroic (balbeera) Hanuman, he removes (katai) all (sab) our perils (sankat) and pain (peera).

Chaupaai # 37

जै जै जै हनुमान गोसाईं।
कृपा करहु गुरु देव की नाईं।।

Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosaeen,
Kripa karhu guru dev kee naeen.

Word Meanings


Victory (jai), victory, victory to you, master of the senses (Gosaeen), O Hanuman! Like (naeen) a guru, please bless us (kripa karhu)!

Chaupaai # 38

जो सत बार पाठ कर कोई।
छूटहि बंदि महा सुख होई।।

Jo sat bar path kar koee,
Chhoothi bandi maha sukh hoee.

Word Meanings


Those who (jo) do (kar) this prayer (path) a hundred (sat) times (bar) become free (chhoothi). They are blessed (hoee) with great (maha) joy (sukh).

Chaupaai # 39

जो यह पढ़ै हनुमान चलीसा।
होय सिद्धि साखी गौरीसा।।

Jo yah padhai Hanuman Chalisa,
Hoy siddhi sakhee Gaureesa.

Word Meanings


Those who (jo) read (padhai) the Hanuman Chalisa attain (hoy) perfection (siddhi). Lord Shiva (Gaureesa) is witness (sakhee) to this promise.

Chaupaai # 40

तुलसीदास सदा हरि चेरा।
कीजै नाथ हृदय मँह डेरा।।

Tulsidas sada Hari chera,
Keejai Nath hriday manh dera.

Word Meanings


I, Tulsidas, am your servant (chera) forever (Sada). O Lord, (nath) please make (keejai) my heart (hriday) your home (dera).

Chaupaai # 41

पवनतनय संकट हरन
मंगल मूरति रूप ।

राम लखन सीता सहित
हृदय बसहु सुर भूप।।

Pavantanay sankat haran,
Mangal murti roop.

Ram Lakhan Sita sahit,
Hriday bashu sur bhoop.

Word Meanings


The son of the wind god (Pavantanay) is remover (haran) of all perils (sankat). He is a picture (murti) of blessedness (mangal). With (sahit) Lord Ram, Lakshman and Sita, this king of the Gods (sur bhoop), lives (bashu) in my heart (hriday).

Hanuman Chalisa